My Life, My Story

Fleur Roovers

Dutch youth with a migrant background, especially from ‘deprived’ neighborhoods, often tend to be labelled as problematic. This made me wonder: how do youth themselves experience these labels? In order to gain insight into the experiences of the youth, I asked them to tell me stories. Stories about how they see their neighborhood. Stories about how they think others see their neighborhood. Stories about childhood memories, positive or negative. The result of these stories is captured in an exhibition that combines audio, video and photo and represents how these youth deal with stigmas about themselves and the places they live in.

Director statement

With this project I wanted to show a more nuanced image of places and people that are often represented one-sided. Also, I found it important to display the voice of the youth, as it contains much power but often remains unheard. Although anthropology is always a work in progress, and so is this project, I hope that my work inspires people to look and think beyond their initial assumptions.

Poster - My Life, My Story


Fleur Roovers
Fleur Roovers

My name is Fleur Roovers, 27 years old. Last year I got the opportunity to combine my anthropological background and experience in youth work with learning new creative skills in film and photography. As it turns out, it was great! In the future, I would love to keep combining these things and express people’s stories in film and photography.

My Life, My Story - Fleur Roovers
toang - Rizky Maulana Yanuar
EL SECANO AÚN VIVE - Ruben van Rijn
heem - Jara van den Bosch
Postcolonial Sentiments - Hannah Bults
Voices in Nature - Maarten Bekhuis
Nostalgie paralysante - Sabrine Mdaghri
How much longer - Ann-Kristin Mueller
Drag Kings and Creatures - Sarah Bozuwa
Multi-Love - Mowgli Legein
Proud to Sport - Lotte van den Hanenberg
Buurland - Malìn van Weerdenburg
Melmin - Loes Moree
Birds - Marlissa Hilkmann
Is There Anybody Out There? - Mischa Huijsmans
F*ck Endo - Wilke Geurds
Speaking of Spirits - Eva Riemens
Making Malta Home - Leanne Leendertse
Would you want your kids to do this - Max Condon
I am you and you are me - Janna Vink
The battle against floods - Kyra van Meijgaarden