F*ck Endo. More than just menstrual pain.

Wilke Geurds

An intimate and vulnerable documentary that follows the daily lives of four women in the Netherlands and Belgium who suffer from endometriosis. Endometriosis is a chronic disorder where tissue, similar to the tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus, grows outside the uterus. Anthropologist and documentary maker Wilke Geurds tries to understand what it is like to live with an invisible disease that affects one in ten women. Heavy menstrual pain is not normal and can be a sign that there is more going on, as in the case of Devina (28), Daphne (30), Margot (36) and Sanne (43). Playful animations, an interview with a gynaecologist and the images that the women themselves have made, helps Wilke in order to make this disease understandable and also visual.

Director statement

One in 10 women suffer from endometriosis. Often, severe menstrual symptoms are considered to be normal. Many women keep walking around with this pain for years. However, this is not normal! With my film, I want to give insight into the disease and show how your life can be totally turned upside down by endometriosis. I hope that after seeing my film, people will act faster when women have severe menstrual complaints.

Poster - F*ck Endo



Wilke Geurds
Wilke Geurds

Wilke is always on the move with her camera! As a visual anthropologist, Wilke developed herself as a documentary maker and photographer. With her enthusiasm, she is looking for people who want to share their story with her. With these visual stories, she hopes to bring hidden, social themes to light and to show a new perspective. She is currently completing a second master’s to make her dream come true: to become a documentary filmmaker!

F*ck Endo - Wilke Geurds
toang - Rizky Maulana Yanuar
EL SECANO AÚN VIVE - Ruben van Rijn
My Life, My Story - Fleur Roovers
heem - Jara van den Bosch
Postcolonial Sentiments - Hannah Bults
Voices in Nature - Maarten Bekhuis
Nostalgie paralysante - Sabrine Mdaghri
How much longer - Ann-Kristin Mueller
Drag Kings and Creatures - Sarah Bozuwa
Multi-Love - Mowgli Legein
Proud to Sport - Lotte van den Hanenberg
Buurland - Malìn van Weerdenburg
Melmin - Loes Moree
Birds - Marlissa Hilkmann
Is There Anybody Out There? - Mischa Huijsmans
Speaking of Spirits - Eva Riemens
Making Malta Home - Leanne Leendertse
Would you want your kids to do this - Max Condon
I am you and you are me - Janna Vink
The battle against floods - Kyra van Meijgaarden