I am you and you are me

Janna Vink

“I am you and you are me” is a video installation that shows two films simultaneously, one film of a women’s circle and one film of a men’s circle. The participants of the circles go through a process of healing. Circles provide them with a safe space where one can be vulnerable, (re)connect with their selves and others, and first and foremost it is a space where love and warmth is being spread.

Director statement

While working with embodiment as one of my main topics I became interested in the embodied experience of seeing a film. Seeing a film is always an embodied experience, it not only involves the sense of seeing but it is a complex process of perception which involves the whole body. In the video installation I wanted to emphasize this embodied process of seeing film. The video installation takes the spectator on a the journey of healing in women’s and men’s circles. It is impossible to be fully invested in both films, therefore the spectator has to trust on their visceral experience of the installation what film or separate scenes they want to invest in. So therefore I am curious: what will you perceive?

Poster - I am you and you are me



Janna Vink
Janna Vink

My name is Janna Vink, I am a beginning visual ethnographer. The visual ethnography master gave me the opportunity to combine my interest for film and ethnographic research.

I am you and you are me - Janna Vink
toang - Rizky Maulana Yanuar
EL SECANO AÚN VIVE - Ruben van Rijn
My Life, My Story - Fleur Roovers
heem - Jara van den Bosch
Postcolonial Sentiments - Hannah Bults
Voices in Nature - Maarten Bekhuis
Nostalgie paralysante - Sabrine Mdaghri
How much longer - Ann-Kristin Mueller
Drag Kings and Creatures - Sarah Bozuwa
Multi-Love - Mowgli Legein
Proud to Sport - Lotte van den Hanenberg
Buurland - Malìn van Weerdenburg
Melmin - Loes Moree
Birds - Marlissa Hilkmann
Is There Anybody Out There? - Mischa Huijsmans
F*ck Endo - Wilke Geurds
Speaking of Spirits - Eva Riemens
Making Malta Home - Leanne Leendertse
Would you want your kids to do this - Max Condon
The battle against floods - Kyra van Meijgaarden