Among Woodstockers


Renske Bakker Schut

What does life look like for residents of a care institution for psychiatry and addiction?

This film shows the lifeworlds of residents of care institution Woodstock. The viewer is taken on a journey with Renske, the maker of the film. Her movement through the building and disarming conversations with the protagonists reveal what Woodstock means to residents, how they live together and what their daily lives looks like. Don, Rika, Gert and Johan speak open-heartedly about how they cope with their addiction, social life, mental illness and financial situation from the past and the present.

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Artist statement

Renske Bakker Schut

Renske Bakker Schut is a young, interdisciplinary professional interested in discovering and telling the stories behind people and helping them move forward in life. Her background is a mixture of intercultural communication studies, occupational therapy and visual anthropology, which results in work that is human-oriented in multiple ways. Key methods in her work are in-depth conversations, storytelling, filmmaking and ethnographic research.

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